WHERE HAS THE TIME GONE??? It seems just like yesterday that I was sitting in Birmingham praying over my little miracle... Now, he is 5 and ready for Kindergarten!! But this year he is into the superhero's... Spiderman, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain America, and Thor are his favorites!! So, since I wanted an "easier" party, we did a swim party and I think it was just perfect!!! The weather was Sunny and the water was cool... but not cold, and it was field with Family and Friends!!!
Once again, Here is another one of my favorite cakes made by Tina's Little Cake Shop. I still think that her cakes not only look Amazing but they are SO Yummy!!! And the little green things around the cake are little Kryptonite bites... Just colored melted white chocolate green and dipped in sprinkles.
I saw this sign on Pinterest... so I decided to make one too!! I needed something to go on the fence so I thought this would be great!!
Maybe a little hard to see... but This is his Baker sign. I try to make one every year, and this year my sister's boyfriends was getting rid of some comic magazines and asked if we wanted them before he threw them out. So I cut out the background from the comic looking pages and strung it up! And I also got the idea of of the BAM and BOOM thing from pinterest too!! Gotta love Pinterest!!!
A couple of years ago, My mom made Baker a cape for his Wheelchair but since it was a swimming party, I didn't want it wasted so we used it on the gate!! Welcome to the PARTY!!!
Baker woke up and said WOW at all the stuff everywhere!! HA! We put it all together while he was still doing his breathing treatment!!
Happy Birthday BakerMan!!! We love you SO SO very much!!! A Bushel and a peck and a Hug around the neck!!!
Splashing in the pool!!!
I Love this picture... looks like TBird is flying through the air!!!
Friends and family!! And KadeMan in the "hot tub"
Me and my sis!! Love her!! She has been a blessing the last week with me starting school and not having a nurse!! So Thanks Kay Kay!!!
Trying out the new floats!! And giving Mommy's arms a break!!!
My grandparents and Uncle and Baker's Great Grands!! So blessed that they are able to join us for get togethers!!!
My dad and Rylee had a good time together!! I think she wore him out!! HA
All Baker's friends helping him blow out his candles!!!
Presents Time!!!
Park Park, Baker and JDub!! Literally, Baker's BEST friends!!!
He LOVES iron man
Ha!! This picture didn't turn out too good, but I thought it was funny!!!