This was something that Baker was looking forward to for weeks!!! And to be honest... so was I! We had talked about going and picking a pumpkin and sunflower and all the animals he would get to see. So he was pretty excited! Mainly for the animals, but also because he knew his class would be there!
Since I didn't want the school to have to take the bus with the wheelchair lift, I offered to follow the bus and drive Baker myself. This allowed him to play his ipad on the way and allowed him and Christy (his nurse) to ride with me and not the bus!
I wish I had a close up of his shirt that was made in class but maybe you can see in some of the pictures! Enjoy!!
The first is the spider that Baker kept driving to! He LOVED it!! If you look, notice his hands doing the Itsy Bitsy Spider song!! HA!!
And Baker with his whole Class!!! Minus the ones that were sick! :(
Finally it was time to load up on the wagon to go pick pumpkins... It was easier for us to pick him up and his vent than pick him and his wheelchair up! As you can tell, Baker was having fun on the ride!!
We tried to get a good picture of me and Baker. I wanted to print it out and give it to Derek for an early birthday present, but Baker didn't really cooperate! So this is the best I could get!!
Once we got a pumpkin and sunflower, we loaded back up on the wagon to go back to the farm. It was time for the animals and Baker couldn't wait!! Here he is with the animals!!
I think this is TOO cute!!!
After the animals they went to the barn to pick eggs and pick apples! Oh and Milk Cows!!
We had to maneuver his chair around to let him milk the cow... He really wanted to try! ;)
Then lastly, we went through the corn maze... We didn't go all the way through it because it was a bumpy ride, but he had fun anyways!
Baker and his buddy Eli!
Then they took a class photo, I couldn't get them all in it so I just went for Baker and his teacher! We love her!!
And a few more shots infront of the big scarecrow... thing! HA!