Sunday, April 6, 2014

Letting it out...

Have you ever been at a point in your life when you feel like the world is about to crash in on you? Have you ever been faced with something that was so far out of your control that you were forced on your knees? Had it all figured out and then WHAM... Even expected one outcome but got something that was polar opposite? I have. First let me say, that I have really prayed about this post. Should I just keep this inside and continue the "everything is fine" act? Or should I speak... Well, I guess I felt led to speak.

Over 5 years ago, I thought that Derek and I had it all figured out. He was working a good job, we were preparing to meet our first child. Life was good. I, like most excited moms-to-be had his room all ready, car seat in the car, clothes all washed, bottles ready to go, and bags by the door for whenever that moment happened. But God's plans were so different than ours. (Most of you know the "Story of Baker" so I will keep this part short) Baker was born and immediately, things were different. I grieved over the fact that Derek didn't get the chance to cut the cord, or that I didn't get the chance to have Baker put on my chest. Even the fact that he was taken away before I ever got to see him so we weren't able to bond. Later in the day, we found out that Baker was being sent to Birmingham, but we were finally allowed to meet him. They wheeled me and Derek to the nursery and although the first glance of my son was not what I expected, I was happy to get to see him finally. First thought was terrifying. Wondering how much a little body could actually take, but he sure showed us!!
I remember this day, just like it was yesterday! That red/orange hair like his daddy, his nose like mine and my brothers... To me, he was perfect. I have always been able to look past all the tubes, and wires, and alarms, and equipment. I remember going back to my room and having so many people that loved us there! I remember having this peace about Baker and watching everyone cry. I remember my husband and dad leaving so that they could be in Birmingham that night with Baker. And I remember my mom calling my Aunt who lived close by to be there for Baker because we couldn't stand the fact that he would be alone for one minute! I remember the flight crew bringing Baker to my room before taking him away and how wonderful they were to allow me time to touch his little hands and skin. And I remember, once everyone left and it was just me and my mom, hearing the daddy next door singing to his fussy baby while I tried to quietly cry into my pillow. 

I am sure that I could go on and on about being in the hospital for 6 months. We met some wonderful people, nurses, doctors, families, and babies. Some we still pray for to this day, some have passed on, and some are perfectly fine! 

Part of me feels so blessed and honored to get to go through this experience. This roller-coaster that we have been on has definitely been one that has knocked me to my knees and restored my faith in Christ. You see, I have been raised in church, I am a Christian and I know where my eternal home is. I know that God put this life on me to make me stronger and to get me to where I am, but I still struggle with many things. I don't really know if it is depression because I am able to go on with my day and "fake it till I make it." I love Baker as he is!!! To me, he is perfect. I just feel sometimes that Derek and I were jipped ... Those bottles that were washed and in the cabinet never got used. Almost all the clothes never got worn, and the highchair just sat empty in the corner of the kitchen. I have never held my child on my shoulder to burp him, never seen him without some tube somewhere, never chased him around the house, never feed him in my arms, never had him sleep in my bed, never did the potty training thing, going places is always a struggle, can't do swimming lessons, etc... 
Alot of this is the way that I felt after he was born... and through the years, I have been able to get past it. But I guess with the start of sports, there will be new things to face. As excited as I am about the new season of Miracle League, I wish my child could be on the tball field with all his new school friends. I wish that going to school was as easy as putting him on the bus and bidding him a good day. But the truth is, it's not. I have to prepare supplies and make sure that all his equipment in being charged just for him to last half a day at school.

I guess this post is so back and forth, but it is hard to get my feeling out when I don't really know them myself. I am in no way complaining! Baker is my child and just like a "normal mom" has to learn, we had to learn! I always say that our child DID come with instructions! :) Because of Baker, I am using the talents that God had blessed me with. As long as our story is bringing Glory and Honor to God, then we will rejoice! And now with the talk a possible cure in the future... who knows what miracle God has in store for Baker!! (Please be in prayer over this clinical trial that should start within the next year) 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Year... New Me!!!

Happy New Year!!! 

I hope and pray that each person that actually reads this blog has a blessed year!! Along with the new year comes resolutions... most of the time, people don't keep these. And I admit, I usually don't stick to mine either... But this year, instead of making resolutions, I want to make 1Corintians 13:13 my motto... "Faith, Hope, and Love. The greatest of these is love." I want to be the Christian that everyone thinks I am, and then some. I want to love people, even people that aren't easy to love. I want to live for the Hope of a tomorrow. Overall, I want to be the best child of God that he has set out for me to be!

Tonight, I spent my New Years Day at church. I know, it has been a while since I went to church on a Wednesday night, and I am embarrassed by that. As we sang tonight, I thought about my summers at camp, my winter break at Youth in Action or Winterfest and I think of how on fire I was... I want that again. I will have that again! I already look forward to camp this summer and wish that I could take Baker so I could go more than just one week! Please pray that I would become all that God has placed me on this earth to be... to use the many talents that I have been blessed with. (Including finishing nursing school) :)

Anyways, one of my all time favorite songs to sing is Sing and Be Happy! I love that it features the alto's (mainly because I am one) but have you ever really listened to the words?? I used to sing this to Baker while he layed in the NICU at Children's Hospital. I even had a nurse tell me that it was catchy and brought her back to her youth. And every once in a while, I would catch her humming the tune!  It was the song that got me through the rollercoaster. And just today, a terrible accident happened to someone that our community loves. So as I sang this song tonight, my heavy heart felt great joy. I know that this young man was a man of God, and I know that, although there will be sadness for his loss, he is in Heaven walking the streets of gold...

Sing and Be Happy

If the skies above you are gray, You are feeling so blue,
If your cares and burdens seem great all the whole day through,
There's a silver lining that shines in the heavenly land,
Look by faith and see it my friend, Trust in His promises grand.

Often we are troubled and tried, Sick with sorrow and pain,
There are others living in sin blest with earthly gain,
Take new courage we cannot tell what the morrow may bring,
When the dark clouds vanish away then your heart truly can sing.

Oft we fail the see the rainbow up in heaven's fair sky,
When it seems the fortunes of earth frown and pass us by,
There are things we know that are worth more the silver and gold,
If we hope and trust Him each day, We shall have pleasure untold.

Sing and you'll be happy today, Press along to the goal,
Trust in Him who leadeth the way, He is keeping your soul,
Let the world know where you belong, Look to Jesus and pray,
Lift your voice and praise Him in song, Sing and Be Happy Today!

I don't normally post things like this, I just felt that putting my goal out there will make me accountable. Yes, I have other 'resolutions"... I must get healthier, and want to be a better wife and mom, and of course, finish school and start a new job... But my salvation tops it all... 
So Happy New Year my dear friends!!!