Ok... I know that I am behind the game in this movie, but I have to say that it was pretty good. Yes there were "medical" things that weren't accurate, but the end of the movie was AMAZING!!! I am NOT a cryer, but boy did I shed some tears. Maybe it touched home to me in a way that I needed... Ok, I know it did, but you have got to see it. Even if you don't like the start of the story, fast forward to the end where the mom is at church.
She quotes Einstein saying that "there are two ways to live your life. One is of though Nothing is a Miracle, and the other is of though EVERYTHING is a Miracle." Then she went to say, "Miracles are EVERYWHERE. Miracles are goodness sometimes showing up in the strangest of ways by people who are just passing through our lives, to dear friends who are there for us no matter what. Miracles are love. Miracles are GOD and God is forgiveness." Wow... just Wow. She goes on to talk about that there are so many other children who are suffering and that she didn't know why her child was healed, but that God uses these miracles to prove that he is still here. She also continued with telling people that they are not alone. This is something that I sometimes fall into. Sometimes, I feel that my depression puts this on me. This is why I am SO thankful for the MTM family Groups on facebook and for the Vent Kids of Alabama group as well as camp. I am not alone...
I know that my little Miracle is a blessing to so many people, but truthfully, sometimes when life if going so well and he stays "healthy" I loose sight of the miracle that is right under my nose. I KNOW that each day is a blessing and I am so thankful for Each milestone that God blesses us with. But I will admit that I take it for granted. Any day with Baker is a Miracle. Shoot, Anyday with my grandparents, parents, husband, brothers, sisters, nieces, nephew, family, or friends is a blessing as well. Miracles are EVERYWHERE you guys... All you have to do is look!!!
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