Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Best Mother's Day

I think this year was the best Mother's Day cause I got to celebrate Baker's 4th Birthday! Not only with his party on Saturday, but All day Sunday!! Here are a few pictures from the Day!
This is me and the Birthday Boy! Love him to pieces!!!
 Baker and his BEST friend, and cousin, JW
I really tried hard to get a decent picture of my Grandmother Meadows and Baker. She is so very precious to me! Even though it isnt the best picture, I sure do cherish it!!

I am so thankful for role models like my Grandmother's that taught me the meaning of "Mom."

I hope you and your family had a VERY Happy Mother's Day celebrating/remembering the Mom's in your life!!

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Four Year old Check-up

Well, since Baker turned 4, we had to go get shots this morning. So after he got off the school bus, we loaded up and went to Dr. Bangs! He now weighs 35 pounds and is in the 55th percentile. And he is 45 inches... Which is off the charts!! :) he had to have 4 shots which is never fun, but he seems fine this afternoon!!! He has been enjoying all his birthday presents!! :)

Monday, May 14, 2012

Blessed Weekend

This weekend was Amazing!! Not only did I get to celebrate Mother's Day, but I also got to celebrate the reason I am a Mother... Baker! Baker's 4th Birthday happened to fall on Mother's Day this year!

As Most people know, I might go a litte overboard on Baker's parties... But I LOVE doing it! I start thinking about it and working on it pretty close to Christmas! This year was no different. I was actually going to do a Disney Theme since we will be spending Christmas at Disney World this year, But after Cookies with Characters, I changed my mind. They have a GREAT Buzz and Woody costume and I got a Great picture of Baker with them at the Cookies to use for the invites. Not to mention, it was easy to plan cause there were tons of resources on the internet!!

Here are a few pictures from the party...
 Baker... in the Etch-a-Sketch

 This is Baker's AMAZING Cake!!! Tina's Little Cake Shop made it and it not only looked good but it tasted GREAT!!!
 This is the WHOLE cake table!
 Baker and Buzz and Woody!!
 Me and Derek in the Etch a Sketch!!
 Us with the Birthday Boy!!
And Again. This wasn't the best picture but It will do!!!

After Baker's Party, we had to go to another party and didn't get home that night till after 8. And the next day was Mother's Day, packed with Church, Lunch at Doc's, and Dinner with The Mikel's. We had a very full weekend, but it was all worth it in the long run!

To end the weekend, we got Baker to bed, and all hooked up to his alarms and tucked in. We said our prayers and kissed good-night. I went to bed and realized how far we have come... as a family. Little did I know that at 4:15 p.m. on May 13, 2008, my life would change completely! At that very moment, I wanted to hear him cry and see his face. I had all these plans for his future, and I never expected anything other than a healthy baby boy. But God, at that very moment, had bigger and better plans for Derek and I! And at 4:16, Baker was born. No cry, no movement, and no seeing his face. Of course I was worried, but I had this strange peace come over me, and I knew that things would be ok... maybe not what I expected, but he would be ok. I had a huge support group that covered us in prayer and there were times when it was scary, but Look at us now... 4 years later!! Now we are signing him up for preschool and amazed at just how smart he is! He is a real Blessing to us, and we have learned along the way, that he has blessed others! I pray that Derek and I would continue to be the best parents for him and that Baker's Legacy would be Grand!

Happy Mother's Day to all the Mother's and Mother's to Be!!! I hope your day was as blessed as mine!!!

Just a picture or two of Baker as a Baby!!
This is Baker, The first time I saw him... Kinda a scary moment of my life. Still in Shock, But trusting in the Lord!!

 This is a Picture of Baker when he arrived in Birmingham... After his Bath!
 This is when I got to Birmingham and was able to get my hands and eyes on him! 2 Days Old
And 3 days old!  

New Blog Site

Ok, so here is my new blog since something happened to my last one... :( And I guess it is a Good time to start a new blog! I just hope to do better this time!

Anyways, Enjoy!!!!