Monday, August 5, 2013

Playing Catch-up

I have been so lazy with my blogging this summer, but then again, I have never been a GREAT blogger! Sorry!! But It has been a very Busy summer for me. My second semester of Nursing school has kicked my hiney! But I know that it will be worth it in the end!! Between studying and clinicals, I feel like this summer has flown by! And I hate that we haven't enjoyed this time before Baker starts school, but we still have our Vent Kids of Alabama Camp next week!!!

I wanted to post a few pictures to share from my phone... Not many, but a few!!

This was Baker's summer hair, until we FINALLY got it cut!! Now he is ready for school...

Mom and I were able to get to the beach for a day! I was BEYOND ready for it! It has been years since my feet have seen the sand, so we went to visit my cousin and her kids while my sister stayed with them! 

Me and Mom... relaxing in the sand... after the umbrella about killed me!! HA! 

Another thing that happened this summer was my 10 year reunion... we had a blast!! They decided to do a dinner cruise and it was very nice! Most people stayed in Destin or PC, but we weren't able to with Baker, so we drove there and back... even after getting off the boat after 10, we still made good time! I see most of the people that I graduated frequently, but being "stuck" on the boat with them was nice. It forced us all to stay after we ate so nobody was able to run! HA! And even though it was warm, the top deck was fantastic!! Nice and breezy!! This was me before the humidity hit my hair!! 
 And me and my hunny... He didn't wear that on the cruise, just the drive!! ;)

I will be uploading more pictures later, so stay in touch!!

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